The Definitive Guide To Craps Strategy For The Seasoned Player

Book Review: The Definitive Guide To Craps Strategy For The Seasoned Player

R. Lane Greene’s book on craps strategy offers a comprehensive guide to the game, providing insights and techniques that both beginner and seasoned players can use to improve their chances of winning. With its focus on mathematical concepts and betting systems, this book is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to take their craps game to the next level.

Organization And Content The book is divided into five parts, each addressing a different aspect of craps strategy. Part one provides an overview of the game and its rules, while part two delves into the mathematics behind the game. Part three focuses on various betting systems, including the popular “don’t pass” and “don’t come” bets. Part four discusses advanced strategies for managing your bankroll and minimizing losses. Finally, part five offers tips for playing craps online and in live settings.

Strengths And Weaknesses One of the book’s greatest strengths is its emphasis on mathematical concepts, such as probability and statistics, which are essential for making informed decisions at the table. Greene’s clear explanations and examples make these concepts accessible even to those without a background in mathematics. Additionally, the book offers a wealth of practical advice, from how to set a bankroll to how to adjust your betting strategy based on the table conditions.

However, some readers may find certain sections too complex or dense, particularly if they are new to craps or gambling in general. Additionally, while the book provides a comprehensive overview of craps strategy, it does not delve into the game’s history or culture, which some readers may find interesting.

Conclusion Overall, The Definitive Guide To Craps Strategy For The Seasoned Player is an excellent resource for anyone looking to improve their craps game. With its focus on mathematical concepts and practical advice, this book offers insights that both beginner and seasoned players can use to increase their chances of winning. While some sections may be challenging for some readers, the book’s strengths far outweigh its weaknesses, making it an invaluable addition to any craps enthusiast’s library.